Kevlyn says:
17 Feb 2013
Woot, I will crteainly put this to good use!
Happy Burger says:
25 Jan 2013
Hello NoWayne! Thanks a lot for reporting. I've fixed that. (Where did you find this, I keep wondering?! These guys are hailing from New Zealand) You are my favorite listener out of 18 people, who dwn'ed OTCH yet :D
AintNoWayne says:
22 Jan 2013
Hi Dudes! I know the name of the track by "Unknown Band 2". The Primmers - Funny Stories actually.
Also Great Comps by the way, keep em going!
Walrus says:
08 Dec 2012
Oh fucking great to be here again! Will try all of the music soon! You can check out my inept blog there btw:
Happy Burger says:
06 Dec 2012
Greetings to all tape geeks! Today we have a very special day. I am proud to announce that the so-long-awaited Issue 3 is finally here! This one turned out slightly mysterious and romantic and Japanese?! Anyway it grants a good ear treatment as usual. Enjoy!

Also packs with Off-Tape 1 and 2 were updated, because I was able to find many tracks in better quality.

Moreover the site will have some tweaks and fixes in just few days... Whatever.
Dima says:
18 Sep 2012
The Eggman says:
24 Aug 2012
Oi, oi, oi! Meow...
Pet Sally says:
17 Jul 2012
Who are you, the creator? I want to see more compilations from you!
Walrus says:
13 Jun 2012
Great job, man! You relly rock it!
Duck says:
09 Jun 2012
You can kick my ass but I badly bloody love Emily song from issue 2. Thanks for that!
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